The department comprises of a committed group of faculty and residents who all share a common purpose- understanding, treating and curing a wide array of urologic diseases and conditions. Our expertise lies in the depth of our medical education and compassion in clinical care. The department currently has 6 full time dedicated faculty and 9 young enthusiastic residents providing round the clock Urology care to the patients both in the Out Patient Clinic and inpatient areas.
BPH – Monopolar TURP, Bipolar TURP. Laser TURP
Stones – PCNL, URS, RIRS Cystolithotripsy, ESWL
Oncology – Open, Laparoscopic, Robotic- Radical Nephrectomy, Cystectomy, Prostatectomy, Orchidectomy, Penectomy and RPLND
Reconstructive Urology – Pyeloplasty, Ureteric Reimplantation, Augmentation Cystoplasty, Urethral Reconstruction.
Andrology – Surgery for Infertility, Penile prosthesis implant.